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"VC3 has made it easier than ever before for our local government to serve our citizens by providing us with modern web tools and a team
of talented and courteous professionals.
City of Valdosta, GA

2024 Managed IT Services Cost & Pricing Guide

You’ve probably heard about how managed IT services saves businesses money and are wondering if that’s possible for your organization too. This guide will help walk you through different pricing strategies and costs you can expect.


Estimate Your Managed Services Costs

Get an idea of managed IT costs in the industry, and gauge how different options may be within your budget.  

Get your estimated costs.

As you go shopping for managed IT services, the journey can be a bit frustrating—especially when you’re trying to estimate costs. So many options exist—tiny and large managed services providers, different types of managed services models, and the level of involvement you receive from a managed services team. 

Our pricing calculator gives you a sense of how managed services costs are estimated and shows you some prices that you can expect in the industry. Theses prices do not reflect VC3-specific costs or personalized pricing packages (such as through municipal league partnerships).  
By using our calculator, you will see how various parameters affect managed services costs. Plus, you can gauge how different options may (or may not) be within your budget.
Initial setup, ongoing maintenance, and other variables will also play a key role in determining your total costs.


VC3: Pricing Calculator
Say “yes” if you have at least one full-time IT person as an employee.
List the number of physical locations where your organization is located.
If you’re unsure, ask a member of your IT staff or someone technical for an estimate.
Includes desktop computers and laptops.
If you’re unsure, a good rule of thumb is 1000 GB per server.
If you’re unsure, then total number of employees should get you close enough to estimate.

Price estimate/ cost per month for Proactive Managed Services” (Initial setup, ongoing maintenance, and other variables will also play a key role in determining your total costs)
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