Local Government Services
Police, fire, water/sewer, and other municipal departments turn to VC3 for specialized IT, cybersecurity, and application expertise.
Specialized Municipal Expertise for Specialized Municipal Departments
Knowing city hall isn’t the same thing as knowing the day-to-day operations of specialized municipal departments such as public safety or water/sewer.
While many IT and cybersecurity challenges are shared across a municipality, you may worry about specific challenges related to your department:
- Police: CJIS compliance, police records management, and body camera video archiving
- Fire: Emergency response capabilities, data management, and HIPAA compliance
- Water/Sewer: Critical infrastructure, service delivery, and customer service
We help you cost-effectively address specialized needs without taking any shortcuts by providing you with essential technology services and solutions that secure and modernize your IT.
With the right technology infrastructure, systems secure from cyberattacks, and IT support ready to respond 24/7, you benefit by:
- Improving the reliability of your systems and network
- Protecting sensitive and confidential information to comply with regulations (such as CJIS or HIPAA) and ensure the highest data integrity
- Staying within your budget using right-sized solutions that scale with your growth
VC3 has over 30 years of experience helping local government agencies
Fire Departments
A resilient technology foundation supported by cybersecurity best practices ensures you enhance your emergency response, protect confidential data, and increase operational efficiency.
Police Departments
A solidified technology foundation supported by cybersecurity best practices ensures you enhance public safety, protect sensitive data, and increase operational efficiency.
Water/Sewer Authorities
A resilient technology foundation supported by cybersecurity best practices improves your ability to deliver essential services, protect critical infrastructure, and improve operational efficiency.
VC3 placed us in a position to better service our staff
When it comes to establishing an effective IT infrastructure, consulting experienced professionals is the first and most important step. It is one we are glad to have taken with VC3 as they placed us in a position to better service our staff and the residents of our city.
With VC3, everything is getting done
I was pleasantly surprised by VC3’s remote IT support and how well it served our city. We learned the hard way that we needed a vendor that helped us stay secure from ransomware and cyberattacks, update and patch everything constantly, and stay on top of IT issues. With VC3, everything is getting done. You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never seen it before—and we hadn’t seen anyone like VC3 before.
Everything just runs really smoothly around here
You get what you pay for and we can't risk sacrificing services by always going the cheaper end. Now that we're with VC3, everything just runs really smoothly around here.
They placed us in a position to better service our staff.
Every organization is only as good as their staff, and everybody that I’ve met at VC3 is top-notch. VC3 has done a very good job of creating a very good organization that is extremely business-friendly and user-friendly. I have no problems recommending them to anybody.
VC3 has spent the last 30 years making IT personal, making IT easy, and getting IT right
When you work with us, you get a proactive partner who understands your critical concerns.
Managed Services
Get 24/7 support, enable your department, and keep IT costs predictable.
Cybersecurity + Data Backup
Secure sensitive information while complying with HIPAA, CJIS, state agencies, privacy laws and other regulations.
Technology Enablement
Tackle projects related to department-specific systems, applications, and records management.
Municipal League Partner Endorsements

Ways we help local government agencies:
- Building and managing a solid, scalable infrastructure
- Ensuring the availability and integrity of critical data
- Ensuring compliance with CJIS Security Policy, HIPAA, and other industry-specific regulations
- Maximizing cybersecurity with layered defenses such as endpoint security
- Designing cost effective data storage solutions
- Creating security policies and procedures
- Implementing and supporting communication, data sharing, and collaboration tools
- Providing continuous monitoring of IT systems and 24/7 technical support
- Managing mobile devices and equipment endpoints
- Conducting regular risk assessments and security awareness training
1,100+ municipalities turn to VC3 to help them contend with today’s complex technology landscape.
Response Time + Onsite Support
From a Team of 100% North American-Based Experts
In IT Issues After 3 Months
Our approach to technology enables your organization to AIM Higher.
Lots of companies can set up your laptops or manage your infrastructure. In order to contend with today's challenges, you need more than a break-fix vendor with a "24/7" helpdesk ticket to nowhere. You need a proactive partner that stops the issues before they start. That's where VC3 comes in.
Let's talk about how VC3 can help you AIM higher.
Resources + Insights for Financial Services

Case Study - Auburn Georgia Police Department