Using IT to Drive Efficiency: Statistics and Insights for Businesses
IT efficiency might sound like a vague term. However, the following problems are not vague at all.
Your organization takes too long to recover from a cyberattack.
You lack the ability to restore data after it’s lost or corrupted.
You fail to maintain business continuity due to technology disruptions.
You lose customers from the effects of poorly maintained equipment.
These situations result from a lack of IT efficiency. For business leaders focused on an organization’s higher-level mission, it’s easy to overlook that what happens tactically with IT affects your overall bottom line.
In this whitepaper, we:
Define 4 aspects of IT efficiency
Highlight important statistics that will help you build a case when convincing decision makers to address IT efficiency
Provide a list of common performance metrics to help you measure your IT efficiency
Download our IT efficiency whitepaper now to gain immediate insights for your business’s IT investments.