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[Inside VC3] Account Executive: Skills, Commitment, and Team Support

VC3 Account executive

At VC3, the success of our Account Executives comes down to three things: learning a specific skillset, a commitment to the mission, and being part of a team that cares. The skills come with training and practice. The mission is to make a tangible impact on the day-to-day lives of the people we serve. The team spirit comes from an environment that is curated to support the personal and professional growth of anyone who is not content to maintain the status quo in their career. 

Ironically, escaping the status quo is what Account Executives frequently talk about with prospects. People live with IT problems for much longer than they need to. Sometimes it’s because they’re uncomfortable with change. Other times it’s because they don’t realize that the recurring issues and frustrations they’re experiencing with IT aren’t normal.  

Account Executives dedicate significant effort to educating prospects about what’s available to them. As they build relationships with decision-makers, their goal is to help them realize that there’s a solution to the loss of productivity, risk and recurring issues that their organization is experiencing. This education process takes time. The complexity of the sales process is often surprising to sales professionals who have never worked in the managed IT service industry before. 

Building Trust and Intimate Relationships 

When you’re first getting started in business development at VC3, it takes time to see results. As a managed IT service provider, we hold the keys to some of our clients’ most valued possessions – the technology and data that are the foundation of their operations. We have intimate relationships with our clients because we must work very closely with them to play our role in keeping their systems predictable and secure. Shantae Careers Post - December 2023

Clients trust us and it’s our Account Executives who lay the first building blocks of that trust before a prospect even becomes a client. It starts with initiating relationships through networking events, trade shows, and having a presence in the community. It involves outreach and sourcing prospects through curated lists and cold calling.  

Identifying opportunities, nurturing relationships, and vetting prospects to determine their fit is very autonomous work. Systems and resources are in place to support Account Executives in these efforts and equip them for success. 

🔎 Related: Read Shantae's story and find out her experience as part of the sales team at VC3 

Equipped with a Sales Engine and Resources 

An established sales engine helps target the right prospects more effectively by automating routine tasks and providing insights into prospect behavior. That means that Account Executives can be more effective with their prospecting efforts, building meaningful relationships and closing deals with greater efficiency. 

Available resources include an extensive sales enablement library, and a marketing team that creates high-quality, targeted content for every stage of the buyer's journey. This ensures Account Executives are thoroughly prepared to engage and convert prospects effectively. 

Another crucial resource is a support system that includes managers who mentor and coach, offering guidance and expertise to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Additionally, there is a circle of peers who empathize with each other’s struggles, offer encouragement, and celebrate victories, creating a collaborative and uplifting environment that empowers Account Executives in their day-to-day work. 

When we talk about victories, we’re not just talking about closed deals. The work we collectively do at VC3 impacts lives. We keep in mind the fact that we’re serving humans on the other side of the devices we’re managing. We make a difference in their daily lives. 

Interested in Becoming an Account Executive at VC3? 

Account Executives at VC3 thrive on the challenge of changing prospects' perspectives, helping them realize that their IT frustrations can be resolved. They are dedicated professionals who value the autonomy of their role and the support of a committed team. 

Their work involves reaching out to potential clients, understanding their unique needs, and guiding them towards a solution. They combine strategic thinking with excellent communication skills, handling everything from prospecting to closing deals. This role is all about making a significant impact on clients and their organizations. 

It’s a hard job, but one that’s extremely rewarding. Are you up for the challenge? 

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