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3 min read

From Curiosity to Fulfilling Career – A Spotlight on Anthony R.

Anthony R. had never considered a job in IT until he had a conversation with a coworker who was studying to become an IT professional at the hospital where they worked. This coworker was working towards his CompTIA A+ certification and it stirred up Anthony’s curiosity. 

Anthony had always had an interest in computers and electronics. He had a knack for figuring out problems and liked to take things apart and put them back together again. When he learned about the QuickJobs program at Midlands Technical College, in Columbia, South Carolina where he lived, he discovered that the path to becoming an IT professional was right in front of him. 

Pursued IT Credentials While Juggling Full-time Job 

He started working through the intensive coursework required to attain A+ and Network+ certifications while maintaining his full-time job managing a restaurant. As Anthony started applying for jobs in his new profession, VC3 was one of the first companies to reach out to him and he came on part-time as an intern. 

A few months later, Anthony was offered a full-time position as part of the First Call Response (FCR) team, handling help desk requests from employees at client companies. When a team lead position opened up, Anthony applied and successfully combined his IT skills with his management experience when he was hired for the role. 

Today, Anthony is a Systems Engineer I on the Internal IT team. His tasks are similar to what he was doing on the FCR team, but now he helps VC3 employees. 

“The specific things I’m doing change from day to day which keeps it interesting,” said Anthony. “Every day there’s something new and different to learn or teach someone.” 

VC3 Culture Was a Refreshing Change 

Anthony’s eagerness to learn fit right in with VC3’s core value to be “Passionately Curious.” For him, this culture was a refreshing change. He had never experienced a work environment that not only supported professional development but encouraged team members to share their ideas. 

“At VC3 you’re encouraged to ask questions. You can ask ‘Why do we do it this way? Can we do it another way?’” Anthony explained. “This drives me to want to learn more, do more, and explore new things.” 

Learning and Sharing His Knowledge 

Anthony’s love of learning isn’t just for himself. He likes to share what he knows to help the team. He says that their team communicates well. Whether it’s through a scheduled meeting or an impromptu Teams message, there’s always someone to call on for help. 

“Anthony is a very strong tech and helps all team members when needed,” said Craig C., Internal IT Manager. “He’ll jump in the chat with advice or grab a ticket when needed.” 

At VC3, Anthony has found a place that fuels his love of learning with constant challenges and provides a supportive team where he can actively contribute. His advancement from a restaurant manager to a Systems Engineer proves that curiosity, hard work, and support from a team that values professional growth, anything is possible.  

Where Can Curiosity Take You? 

VC3's commitment to nurturing a culture of continuous learning and collaboration is more than just a talking point; it's a lived experience for Anthony. If you are passionate about learning and looking for a workplace that celebrates curiosity and teamwork, consider building your career at VC3. You might find, as Anthony did, that this is the ideal place to nourish your professional growth and explore your potential to the fullest.  


Check out our current opportunities and see where curiosity can take you. 

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